
Work on your pronunciation

What? Are you saying that you don't understand the phonetic symbols yet? That you find English pronunciation difficult? That there's no way to guess how to pronounce a word?

No more excuses!

Now you have YAKIToMe! A wonderful site that speaks back to you. All you have to do is:

- register (it's free)
- type (or copy and paste) a text and push the PLAY button.
- or upload a file (doc., pdf., txt.) and push the PLAY button.
- and listen! They will read your text aloud with a nice, understandable pronunciation.

Finally, if you want, you can also convert it into an audio file and take it with you in your mp3 player. Isn't it great?

Hope you make the most of it.


mjesusra said...

Here you can read other experience with Yakitome:


I hope this is useful for you.


Summer camps Switzerland said...

Thank you for the great information. It will help a lot. We will come back often for more great tips.

Unknown said...

A study at the University of Leicester highlights the need for a new approach to the teaching of English pronunciation given that English is now a lingua franca, with more non-native speakers in the world than native speakers. How to pronounce London place-names